Wednesday, January 31, 2024







在来临的新春佳节,Shopee的幸运用户也将有机会,通过Shopee Live每天赢取价值高达8千令吉的特别红包!Shopee将以最低价格和最优惠的商品,让您喜迎好运龙年!


无最低消费 Free Shipping: Shopee推出免运费优惠券,并于每天午夜12时发放。只需抓取这些优惠券,在结账时使用,即可在 2 10 日前享受每日免费送货服务,轻松采购您的新春必需品。


12PM Super Seringgit发财优惠:马上标记您的日历,并设置中午12点闹钟提醒铃声,每天享受Super Seringgit发财优惠,尽情购物!这绝对是个最佳机会,让您能够以折扣优惠价抢购最喜爱的新春佳品,因此万勿错过!马上采购,并于中午12点结账!


8PM 每日18%回扣:从即日起至210日,在8PM 18%回扣时段内,使用Coins Cashback & Rebate Now优惠券结账,即可获得更多ong(旺)和回扣!这将能让您将每次购物转化为Shopee金币。记得抓取优惠券,节省行动从这个新春佳节开启!

Ong Mari Ong- 通过Shopee Live每天赢取8千令吉红包:每个人都喜欢在新春佳节拿红包!在今次新春大促销期间,Shopee将让您有机会,通过Shopee LiveOng Mari Ong赢取诱人现金奖!从115日至22日晚上8时,观看这个精彩的游戏节目,您将有可能成为每日幸运赢家之一,赢取8千令吉红包。


如果您想要参加这个游戏节目,请在比赛主页上领取您的独特代码,至少完成一次直播间订单,并在晚上8点收看Shopee Live,看看您是不是有机会参与游戏。如果通过电话被选中,您只需回答一个简单的问题即可继续参与其中!接着,试试您的运气,在八根金条中选择一块幸运饼干,看看您是否是我们的每日大奖赢家!






来临新春佳节,除了好好庆祝之余,Shopee新春大促销也让您财源滚滚!标记您的日历,准备好欢喜省钱,在充满财富的龙年中喜庆迎新!Heng ah, ong ah, huat ah!



Shopee Influencers Champion Human-Centric E-commerce in 2024


Content creators humanise shopping experiences nationwide

KUALA LUMPUR, 30 January 2024 – Shopee Malaysia officially unveiled the ‘Championing Inclusive Commerce 2024’ study of over 3,000 Shopee Affiliates. The study discovered that 9 in 10 Affiliates are feeling positive for their e-commerce opportunities in 2024. These affiliates are excited to humanise e-commerce with increased personalisation, engage with more users on posts and livestreams, and drive more traffic for local sellers aligned with their values.


The Rise of Human-Centric Content


When asked on the e-commerce trends they are most excited to embrace in 2024, 75% of affiliates were enthusiastic about creating more personalised content for their audiences. Shopee Affiliates want to have more authentic engagements with their audiences (30%), seek to personalise their content further through product education posts and livestreams (30%), while the remaining want to collaborate with more local businesses to drive awareness (15%).


“Our affiliates are leading the charge in humanising e-commerce, providing users with original content and ultimately, building a stronger competitive edge for our local brands and sellers. This powerful statement tells us that Malaysian consumers are craving something real. They're tired of the perfectly polished posts on their feeds. They want to connect with real people, with relatable stories, and genuine experiences,” said Kenneth Soh, Head of Marketing at Shopee Malaysia, during the launch of the study today.


Sharing on the importance of authenticity and personalisation, Shopee Affiliate Livestreamer Celeste Phuah believes that developing original content is important when building sincere relationships with their audiences. “As an affiliate livestreamer, I believe it is important to be honest and open with my audience during my product recommendation live sessions. I will share my opinions on the products they are interested in based on my own experiences. When I get questions from the audience, I do try my best to inform them on the various benefits and features about the products,” Celeste said.


Building Communities Through Two-Way Engagement


A resounding 94% of Shopee Affiliates anticipate a surge in user engagement through the power of authentic content and interactive livestreams. This data unveils a crucial shift in audience behaviour, highlighting the growing demand for genuine connections between Shopee buyers and sellers, with affiliates taking on the mantle to digitally bridge this gap.


Andrew Tay in his capacity as the Chief Operating Officer for Val Media, a digital portal that produces influential content, explained that his team is enthusiastic to see more engagements and interactions from their audiences this year. “In the last few years, we have been branching out from just doing product review articles, to creative informative videos and social media postings. It is inspiring to see the different ways Malaysians consume digital content and we look forward to creating more content that drives user engagement and traffic for our local sellers.”


Championing Local Businesses in a Digital World


When Shopee asked the surveyed affiliates on what they want to achieve this year, an outstanding 100% aspire to drive more traffic to local sellers in 2024. Additionally, 96% of them want to collaborate with more local sellers that are aligned with their values, reflecting their #ShopeeSapotLokal spirit in supporting Made-in-Malaysia products to fuel the nation’s vibrant digital economies.


“I enjoy working with local brands and sellers as I believe it is important to support our homegrown entrepreneurs. It lights up my heart when I drive traffic and awareness for a local seller selling hand-made or traditional products to my audiences. I can’t wait to collaborate with these sellers in 2024 to create family-friendly content that is aligned with my Muslim culture and values,” said Rita Zafran, Shopee Affiliate (Top Posting Creator).


Shopee Affiliates collectively believe that the age-old phrase ‘Honesty is the best policy’ rings true when adding a human touch to their product insights and brand recommendations. They want to build sincere and genuine connections with their audiences, and aim to partner more with local brands and sellers aligned with their social and cultural values.


The “Championing Inclusive Commerce 2024” study is part of Shopee’s thought leadership series. These data-driven insights showcase how Shopee Affiliates have the unique opportunity to build win-win relationships that drive customer loyalty for local brands and sellers. Further insights on Malaysian affiliates will be shared in greater detail in the coming week.