Wednesday, October 17, 2018

7 Continents Buffet Dinner @ Royale Chulan Penang

自助晚餐只需 RM60!! (优惠详情可以看下面哦!)

Royale Chulan Penang 为 Sri Tanjung 咖啡厅的客人带来环游世界味蕾旅行,他们新推出了最新的周末主题自助餐,名为 7 Continents Buffet Dinner。

这自助餐由Royale Chulan Penang的行政副主厨Khamarullizad Hassan提议,此灵感是因为他本身曾经在国际邮轮掌厨。在这里,他把本身的烹饪经验加上了各种有趣成分和草药成就了Royale Chulan Penang最新的菜单,为客人介绍七大洲的特色。对了,为什么我一直说七大洲呢?七大洲是什么呢?其实,七大洲是指亚洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、南极洲、欧洲和大洋洲。英文则是Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia

Royale Chulan Penang的总经理 , Philip Theseira也说到

"The 7 Continents Buffet Dinner perfectly complements the distinctive collection of our other themed beet dinners that we have throughout the weekend. This new buffet introduces an interesting beet experience that provides both local and international visitors with another innovative and memorable dining option featuring cuisines from the 7 continents,"

那就让我们从就开胃菜开始说把!我们可以看到这里有法式什锦 Mesclun 生菜,马来风味 Acar Ikan, 日式鸡蛋沙拉,格式冰镇海鲜, 娘惹酸辣虾子沙拉,土耳其风味茄子(Imam Baildi), 地中海鱿鱼沙拉,土豆沙拉

还有番茄莫扎里拉起司沙拉,鱿鱼雍菜,烟熏三文鱼, 鱿鱼和混合辣椒沙拉和凉拌卷心菜还有蟹肉汤配上各式面包


这里包括 Nasi Briyani, Dhalca Kambing, Ayam Masak Madu, 海鲜Jambalaya, Fried Yee Mee, Sabayon烤牡蛎, 辣炒鱿鱼, 香脆雀巢虾,Lamb Moussaka,炒蔬菜, Stuffed Chicken Kiev, 蘑菇古斯米烤鸡,

这里的Action Kitchen有诱人的烤牛肉Strip Loin,而与牛肉相伴的则有土豆泥,烤蔬菜和黑胡椒酱给你搭配!

除了槟城闻名的炒果条,他们也为大家准备了 Mee Rebus!

而女生最期待的甜点区域有热带水果拼盘, 巧克力慕斯杯,布丁, 什锦自制饼干, 迷你CrèmeBrulee, 龙眼果冻,迷你巧克力蛋糕, 水果布丁,什锦蛋糕, Ice Kacang和冰淇淋



The Saturday Seafood Buffet from 6.30pm to 10pm at the Sri Tanjung Café
The Sunday High Tea from 12.30pm to 4.00pm at the Sri Tanjung Café
Set Lunch Special, Monday to Saturday from 12pm to 2.30pm at the Sri Tanjung Cafe
Executive Set Lunch, Monday to Saturday from 12pm to 2.30pm at The Spice Restaurant
Fusion Dinner, Saturday to Thursday from 7pm to 10.30pm at The Spice Restaurant
Dining Under The Stars, Friday to Sunday from 7.30pm to 10pm at the Poolside

从十月五日起,7 Continents Buffet Dinner 将会在Royale Chulan Penang开始贩售咯!

成人价格为RM75 nett 而小孩/长者则是RM50 nett。
说好的 RM60 呢?别急!
只需要和他们说你有这一个 Discount Code 就可以获得 20% 的折扣了咯!

ROYALE CHULAN PENANG (Formerly known as The Royale Bintang Penang) 
No. 1A, Pengkalan Weld,
10300 Penang.

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